Leadership and connecting with your tribe - by Michael Beale

The success of any leader is dependent on their followers. Without their followers they would not be a leader. Seth Godin in his book 'Tribes' suggests that every leader cares for and supports a movement. Seth argues that the key elements in creating a movement consist of five actions and six principles.


1 Publish a manifesto
2 Make it easy for your followers to connect with you
3 Make it easy for your followers to connect with each other
4 Realise that money is not the point of the movement
5 Track progress


1 Transparency is your only option
2 Your movement is bigger than you
3 Movements that grow, thrive
4 Movements push the status quo
5 Exclude outsiders
6 Help your followers succeed

This is a useful check list for any leader, and for any follower to check how well their leader or leaders are doing their her job.

Michael Beale - Executive and Business Coaching Network

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